Wealth Managers usually earn two types of fees from their clients
(a) AUM based fee: Which is usually a function of assets under management (it can be gross assets i.e. loans are also counted and not just assets). Wealth Managers try and have the same flat fee for all their clients, but tend to have to negotiate these fees on a case by case basis
(b) Retrocession fee: This is a revenue share on any brokerage paid to the executing bank. Sometimes it is a fixed % of notional and sometimes it is negotiated on a per transaction basis
Canopy can help calculate the Fee earned by the wealth manager. The process is as follows
(a) Upload an Excel file containing all the calculation details to Documents on Manager Module and tag it as ‘Fee Schedule’
(b) call the api/v1/calculate_wealth_manager_fee_earned end point - the only required inputs (apart from having uploaded the Excel file above) are from_date and to_date in dd-mm-yyyy format.
A template with all the necessary columns and tabs can be found here. There are 3 necessary tabs in this spreadsheet
(a) aum_based_fee_schedule: carries information on AuM based fee for each child_username. There is also a possibility of putting in a default value
The API call returns a fee calculation summary JSON. It is also returns a Excel Download linksample here
The Excel has 5 tabs in it
Input Data for reference