As mentioned in How Canopy Trade Bookings Work, there are 3 main tables in Canopy. These tables are
During the booking process, we need to ensure that all 3 tables contain the correct data. All of Canopy Analytics takes it’s input from only these 3 tables
For this tutorial we will be uploading transactions using Canopy UL 1.0. We will be creating bookings and transactions for the following 8 funds
Assuming that these are funds that do not already exist in Canopy’s security master, the first step is to create the securities. This can be done using Engine’s browser interface, but it might easier to do so using Canopy UL 1.0.
📘 Canopy books Commitment as a separate Security
Canopy considers ‘Commitment to Invest’ as a separate contract, compared to the actual investment contract itself.
This is to allow for edge cases where we did not have a 1:1 mapping between Commitment and Investment. For example there could be a case where the Investor committed to invest USD 1mm, however invested only USD 250k and then transferred this commitment to someone else (who paid a premium of USD 50k for it)
Booking Commitment as a separate Security allows Canopy to capture these edge cases as well
For each fund, we need to create two securities