Many analysis functions in Canopy are very insightful, especially topics like historical returns, performance of strategies or attribution of net value moves over certain time periods. Please see below for the types of statements we require for initial and ongoing uploading of data.
Note: If you would like all Canopy historical month-end market values to match the statements exactly, we would require month-end holdings summary for every month since account inception.
Note: We have found that some “interim statements”, “summary reports” or “trade confirmations” are unreliable across level of information, level of detail and accuracy of information. For that reason, we seek your help to obtain “official month-end statements”.
We do not accept scanned paper statements as we find that using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) leads to data errors.
Upon receiving your statements, we will send you a confirmation email. Subsequent statement processing generally takes 3-5 business days.