To create new Parent Accounts:

  1. Select ‘User Accounts’
  2. Select ‘Account’
  3. Click on ‘Add Parent Account’
  4. Fill out the details in the pop-up shown


To group existing Child Account to Parent Accounts:

  1. Select ‘User Accounts’

  2. Select ‘Groups’

  3. Click on ‘Add Group’ under ‘Parent & Child Groups’


  4. Select the Parent Account to which new Child Accounts are to be added using the dropdown

  5. Click on ‘Add Groups’

  6. Select the Parent Account and specific Child Accounts to add. You may tick ‘Select all Child Accounts’ if you would like to add all Child Accounts belonging to a Parent Account

  7. Click on ‘Add Groups’ again to add a new entry


To group Relationship Manager Accounts to Parent Accounts:

  1. Select ‘User Accounts’

  2. Select ‘Groups’

  3. Click on ‘Add Group’ under ‘Relationship Manager Groups’


  4. Select the RM Account to which new Parent Accounts are to be added using the dropdown