The menu options are designed to walk you through the Canopy Analytics Process
Various Menu Options Appear. These are
- Get Single Line Transactions: Retrieves the Single Line Transactions table for the user. Sample here
- Get Consolidated Holdings: Retrieves the Consolidated Holdings table for the user. Sample here
- Get Strategy Definitions: Retrieves the Strategy Definitions table for the user. Sample here
- Create Strategy Definition: Configure a new Strategy Definition for your account
- Delete Strategy Definition: Delete an existing Strategy Definition (and it’s Strategy Records if any)
- Calculate Strategy: Run the Canopy Analytics engine on any of the Strategies in the Strategy Definition table
- Get Strategy Records: Retrieves the Strategy Records table for the user. Sample here
- Generate Strategy Transactions: Look at the transactions that qualified under any of the Strategies
- Generate Attribution Summary: One of the most important analysis in Canopy Analytics Generate Attribution Summary
- Asset Allocation: Generates a time series of Asset Allocation based on various criterion
- Reports: Generates specialized reports