
Canopy UL 1.0 is an Excel format designed to allow you a perform a wide variety of functions in bulk. These include entering Transactions, creating Accounts or Securities, entering Prices etc.

A good primer is here on our public Confluence page

Screen Shot July 29 (2).png

Canopy UL 1.0 Upload screen in Engine

Canopy UL 1.0 templates can be downloaded from Engine (see screenshot above), but are also enclosed here for convenience.

Canopy UL 1.0 functionality

Transactions Canopy UL Functions

  1. Create Transaction
  2. Delete Transaction There is no Modify Transaction function as we prefer that you Delete the old Transaction and Create a new one instead.

Account Canopy UL Functions

  1. Create Account
  2. Modify Account
  3. Delete Account
  4. Query Account

CCY Account Canopy UL Functions

  1. Create CCY Account
  2. Modify CCY Account
  3. Delete CCY Account